
Cosmic Smokers / On Another Planet Vol 3

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Cosmic Smokers / On Another Planet Vol 3


The first two volumes of this series came from the rehearsal sessions for their National Space Centre concert. This third volume is taken from the rehearsal sessions from their Y theatre performance in 2007 so the musicians this time are John Christian, Peter Ruczynski, Grant Middleton, Andy Bloyce and Paul Nagle. As with Vols 1 and 2, the music wasn’t really intended for release but some might find it interesting as it shows how the five individuals used the pre gig time to gel together so that by the time of the evening concert they are perfectly tuned into one another. So here it is- nine sketches. The music is different to what they played live but you might hear the occasional formulation of ideas that were used later though in a different settings. Right from the off this is moody sequencer based music in the classic tradition. Layers of pulsations weaving in and out of each other, some playful, others with a real snarl, Andy’s guitar is used sparingly, giving just the right amount of ethereal colour when it is needed though it does let rip a little for ‘3rd Planet Part 9’. Lead lines spar against equally as melodic sequences creating quite a mesmerizing brew. For the most part the sequences take prominence over rhythms but the role is reversed for the highly syncopated ‘3rd Planet Part 6’ and to some extent ‘3rd Planet Part 7’ This is music that is best played loud to create a similar atmosphere to that pumped through the Y theatre PA as the practice sessions took place from about noon of the day of the gig right through to just before the audience started to arrive. (DL) ;\ ‘\’